numberNo, pulling out gray hair doesn’t make it grow back in place anymore, so you can stop believing this old rumor. However, doing so might not be a good idea, for an entirely different reason.
It’s an idea that isn’t based on any scientific fact, explains Mirza Batanovic, style director for professional hair care brand Eufora International, for Huffpost, an American blog aggregator. “It’s normal to lose up to 159 hairs a day, but they’re basically not connected at all, so pulling on one is no longer pushing it out of the scalp,” he added.
So what happens? According to Michael Van Clark, hairstylist, hair that has been pulled out will simply rest and be ready to start the next growth cycle, after about three months. In each of these cycles, especially after the age of 20, the hair grows thinner and stays on the scalp for less time before falling out. In addition, there are a limited number of growth cycles, so following this habit can harm the health of your hair.
Therefore, when plucking hair, you may traumatize the hair follicles, which can cause infections or even the appearance of hair on the scalp, problems that can be difficult or even impossible to solve.
Read also: The reason your hair looks greasy and has little volume
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