he is It’s always annoying when you go through several hours of the day with a flat stomach and gas. Sometimes you don’t even realize what you could have done to be that way, but there are some common reasons that could explain it. Discover them.
“Gas and bloating are two of the most common symptoms reported by patients in the clinic,” explains Leon S Maracci, a gastroenterologist. When consulting a doctor in this specialty, it is important to be specific.
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Don’t be shy about talking about gas, it turns out it’s part of the job of these doctors. It is also important to understand when you feel them most of the time, in the morning, at night, or even after meals.
Learn about some of the most common causes of frequent bloating and gas.
Increase your fiber consumption
Fiber is essential and sometimes there are people who do not take the necessary amounts. On the other hand, there are those who suddenly increase consumption and end up disrupting the digestive system. “Typically eating more than 70 grams of fiber per day causes bloating and gas,” explains Leon S Maracci.
dairy allergy
Eating foods containing lactose often causes this discomfort. The ability to digest it decreases over the years. “Consuming dairy products, such as cheese and milk, eventually leads to bloating, gas, flatulence and some stomach noises,” the doctor continues.
Allergic or intolerant to a type of food
Dairy products are common, but sometimes bloating is the body’s reaction to another food. In many cases, gluten is very common. To understand what a food is, see how you feel after eating it and explain it to your doctor.
You consume a lot of artificial sweeteners
They are present in many drinks, such as soft drinks, but there are also those who put them in coffee. “It’s a hidden issue that not many people know about.”
You eat too fast
When we eat we also swallow air. “This air ends up trapped in the stomach and can lead to gas, bloating, and even indigestion.” It is better to eat slowly and without rushing.
You may have another digestive problem
In addition to the previously mentioned reasons, others may be associated with other problems. It is best to consult your doctor if you feel that none of the reasons listed above are causing you discomfort.
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