Research by Finnish scientists has found that bacteria often found in the human digestive system may be the cause of Parkinson’s disease. This bacterium, known as DSV, is mostly found in wet and swampy environments, and is thought to stimulate the buildup of toxic proteins that destroy vital cells in the brain.
The researchers hope that this discovery will lead to advances in early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. “Our findings make it possible to identify carriers of this harmful bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio,” says Per Sarris, a microbiologist at the University of Helsinki, Finland, who is the senior author of the study.
Thus, measures can be taken to eliminate these bacterial strains from the gut, which may relieve and delay symptoms in Parkinson’s patients.
The results of this research have been published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.
Study details
During the study, stool samples were collected from 10 Parkinson’s patients and their healthy spouses. Lab tests revealed that all of the Parkinson’s patients had the bacteria in their stools, as did eight of their partners.
To investigate the link between VSD and Parkinson’s disease, strains of this bacterium were fed to nematodes known to produce the protein alpha-synuclein, and the buildup of this protein is believed to be linked to the condition. In addition, some worms were fed E. coli bacteria as a control group.
The results showed that worms fed strains of VSD from Parkinson’s patients had significantly higher levels of alpha-synuclein than those fed the same bacteria from healthy individuals or E. coli.
It is thought that, in the future, this research may allow doctors to control the progression of Parkinson’s disease through treatments that target the digestive system and nearby nerves, rather than acting directly on the brain.
These discoveries are of utmost importance, as the cause of Parkinson’s disease is still unknown, despite numerous attempts to identify it over the past two centuries.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition characterized by symptoms such as involuntary tremors in certain parts of the body, slow movements, muscle stiffness, and problems with balance.
Symptoms can begin subtly and gradually worsen over time, greatly affecting patients’ quality of life.