Introducing “What Europe is doing for the health of Europeans” is the aim of the dialogue with citizens that will serve the Algarve region to celebrate Europe Day, Friday, May 7, 4:39 pm.
The event will be held in mixed format, with a face-to-face schedule at the Clinical Simulation Center, at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of the Algarve, in Faro, and many of the participations are by broadcast, broadcast live on the YouTube University of the Algarve And Facebook from the Committee for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR) Is the AlgarveThe UAlg and Europe Algarve DirectThe three entities promoting the initiative.
Among the people attending are Anna Abronhosa, Minister for Regional Cohesion, and José Enrique Milo Rocher, Secretary General for External Action of the Andalusian Military Council.
This conversation aims to “open up a space for reflection in the near future, regarding the investments promoted by the various partners in the Region and the health policy of the European Union”.
We also want to “clarify and publish the answers, whether in the epidemic crisis or in the post-pandemic crisis,” and align the event “with the goals of the Conference on the Future of Europe,” according to the organizers.
In all, three committees are expected, as “the responses of the European Union in the area of health, the new program“ European Union of Health ”, the action plan of the Algarve Biomedical Center (partnership between UAlg and CHUA – Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve) and responses in the Algarve and the European region of Alentejo – Algarve – Andalusia (EuroAAA) on the Covid-19 epidemic ».
In addition to this dialogue with citizens, Europe Direct Algarve will celebrate Europe Day, celebrated on 9 May, with a “broader program called” May, the Month of Europe “, which will also contribute to the nationality dynamics of the Algarve region surrounding the Conference on the Future of Europe».
On Sunday, 9, 10 am, the European flag will be raised at the CCDR Algarve headquarters, in Praça da Liberdade, Faro, “to commemorate this date and the 25th anniversary of the Europe Direct Algarve”.
Coral Ossónoba will join the celebration with a small concert and Europe Direct Algarve will be present with an info point introducing the new 21-25 network.
On the same occasion, the second edition of the AlgarveIsEU 2.1 photography competition will be announced, this year under the theme of health and in partnership between the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve and UAlg, through the European Documentation Center.