A Respawn ea she This Thursday (06) revealed the game’s latest event.”Apex Legends”, called “Dark Depths,” and runs from January 11 to February 1. The event will include many new features, from the introduction of a new map of Arenas, to themed cosmetics and Lightning Events.
the Event More information has been revealed in Trailer for a movie less:
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Let’s get into some details of what Legends will be able to find in this event.
A new map of the arenas will be introduced in the event, Habitat 4. Check the description taken from The game’s official website:
“The storm zone is just one of the many islands in the Nova Antilia archipelago. Habitat 4 is one of the smallest islands in the archipelago and is famous as a breeding ground for Leviathans. The first research groups at IMC were surprised to find that a large number of local Leviathans gravitated towards the island, so they set Habitat 4 as a ethology base to study the creatures’ behavior. More than a century has passed since then, and even with the destruction of BMI, the gentle giants studied by research groups have remained here.“
The plaza is still described as “installed in a natural setting while following the principles of plaza design” and will contain a waterfall that has eroded the landscape as its main element, finished with the formation of trenches and platforms at different heights, which will make the plaza a slip-and-slide haven.
There will still be two main points that should attract the attention of the legends: the cave and the nest.
In addition to the map, Lightning Events will be another “Dark Depths” point of interest, where challenges will be proposed to Legends each week, with the prize being a new set of exclusive trophies and badges.
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It will also be possible to unlock themed cosmetics, where players and females can purchase the legendary skin of Ash, Horizon, Lifeline and Fuse.
Finally, it will be possible to redeem ‘Dark Depths’ packs for 400 Apex Coins, for a limited time.
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