Creamy peach mousse that takes 5 minutes to prepare
You only need four ingredients and willpower to devote yourself to the recipe that many have called “art”.
Whenever you need to choose a dessert that will please everyone, the answer is easy: mousse. You will hardly find anyone who will refuse this dessert, which is more than 200 years old.
The recipe, as we know it, is believed to have been created by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, a Post-Impressionist painter best known for painting bohemian life in Paris at the end of the 19th century. While working with egg whites, he called it “chocolate mayonnaise.”
Chocolate is still the reference ingredient when we think of mousses, but the truth is that most fruits are also good raw materials for exquisite versions. Recipe created by Luísa Fortes da Cunha, author page “My Casual Brunch” is one example.
It’s a peach and passion fruit mousse so proper, so easy to replicate that you’ll want to make it every week.
what do you need
– A large can of peaches in syrup
– 3 grains of gelatin
500ml water (or peach syrup)
5 or 6 tablespoons full of natural Greek yogurt
how to do
Start by crushing the peach (reserve two or three peach halves to cut into cubes). Dilute gelatin in water.
Add to the peach puree, diluted gelatin and yogurt. Mix well. Put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Finally, garnish with peach cubes and enjoy.
Click through the gallery and take note of seven more mousse recipes, including one with oatmeal and one with chocolate and Greek yogurt.