Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), has given the Department of Health five days to explain why it wants to require parents and legal guardians to provide a prescription to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 against Covid-19. The information was initially published by CNN. and confirmed by Globo News.
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Lewandowski attended a lawsuit brought by the Sustainability Network on Friday. The party called for a resolution requiring the ministry to immediately provide Covid-19 vaccines to children aged five and over.
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For the network, this must be done “regardless of the prescription or any other obstacle the government imposes on the right to health and life.” In her request, the commentary also highlighted that the Children and Adolescents Act (ECA) provides for an obligation to vaccinate children in cases recommended by health authorities.
This Friday, the Ministry of Health’s public consultations also began to hear from residents about vaccinating children against Covid-19. The purpose of the file is to recommend the vaccine to those aged 5-11, but without making it mandatory and requiring both the prescription and the consent form signed by the parents. The file wants to wait for the end of the consultation and a public hearing, in January, to determine exactly how the vaccination will take place.
“Indeed, slow public consultation has been built – which could have taken place much earlier, even in parallel with the immunization agent assessment process by Anvisa –; thereafter, there will be a marked slowdown in the effective implementation of the acquisition/delivery/distribution of immunization agents; finally , the intent is to create an artificial and discriminatory requirement for a prescription for the application of an immunizing agent; not to mention, of course, all the pre-infancy denial of vaccination, which is already transparent due to the recent history of the epidemic and by the national press itself”, defends the network in The document sent to the STF.