Image / Secom
From next Monday, August 30, Santa Catarina will have new health regulations for social, corporate and large events, and for the operation of food services such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs, pubs and the like. On Thursday, 26, in the Official Gazette were published the decrees bringing the new amendments, which differ according to the epidemiological scenario and the regional risk assessment.
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The Superintendent of Health Surveillance, Eduardo Macario, emphasized that given the progress of vaccination, as well as the confirmation of community transmission of the delta variant of the coronavirus in the state, it is necessary to act prudently in resuming these activities, mainly avoiding agglomerations. For this, health decided to maintain the factor of distancing as a means to promote a safer environment for customers and workers, and to enable institutions to operate according to their capabilities and the epidemic scenario.
“The occupancy of these spaces should be done by the ratio between the size of the area in square meters and the distance factor by level of risk. This factor ranges from 2.0 at the very dangerous level, 1.8 at the dangerous level and 1.5 at the high and medium levels. For example, Suppose you have a restaurant with an area of 500 sq.m. If it is in a high-risk area (yellow), just calculate the room size (500) divided by the distance factor (1.5), which will come to a total of 333 customers seated. This is the total number of people who The environment allows them, in order to keep a distance.” From the outside, just follow a 1.5 meter distance between the tables.
As for social events, companies, nightclubs, bars and the like, in addition to the spacing factor, the operation will be allowed with a maximum capacity of people at one time, and it may not be exceeded according to the level of risk in the region:
• at the dangerous level (red color), up to 100 people;
• at the cemetery level (orange), up to 200 people;
• On the high level (yellow), up to 300 people;
• At the moderate level (blue color) up to 500 individuals.
Access to the dance floor must remain prohibited at any level, as there is a risk of creating agglomerations that could increase the risk of transmission of Covid-19 between participants. In addition, the mandatory use of masks by all customers is being promoted, with removal only allowed when they are seated at tables during consumption. Vaccination of personnel and use of PFF2 or N95 is recommended.
The decrees also point out the importance of maintaining indoor ventilation. “Natural ventilation of environments should always be maintained, with doors and windows open that favor outside air circulation, and ceiling fans in reverse function or directed into empty spaces. It is important that establishments maintain good ventilation of environments so that particles are dissipated,” Macario emphasized.
For mass or large events with the simultaneous participation of more than 500 people, the guidelines of SES Order 904, which defines the flows, protocols and sanitary rules for evaluating the contingency plan for the release of events with these characteristics, must be followed. In order for this type of event to be authorized during the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, the organizer must prepare a detailed contingency plan, and submit it for evaluation by the Health Surveillance Board at least 15 days prior to the event. The state health watchdog will issue an opinion, forward it to the host municipality where the event will take place and to the regional inter-management committee (CIR) set up by the district’s group of trustees, who will assess the degree of risk of the event and give a final opinion on whether or not to investigate it. The maximum number of people for an event that will be evaluated at that time will be 7,000, which is the limit that will be analyzed by the Ministry of Health every 30 days or based on the change in the epidemiological scenario.
Minister of State for Health André Mota Ribeiro notes that updating these decrees is part of the need to proceed with caution in resuming these activities, but the health situation continues to inspire care, especially as the delta variable progresses. “The rules do not come to punish, but to promote environments in which people can go safely, and they also strengthen the local economy. It is important that there is agreement so that these rules are followed, so that we can continue to progress in reducing Transmission, at the same time we are advancing in the vaccination campaign, vaccinating as many people as Santa Catarina.”
More information for the press:
Andre Lenman
Communication Consulting
State Department of Health – SES
Phone: (48) 3664-8820 / 99628-1141
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