“Ligados aos Máquinas” is a very special orchestral sample: all its members are users of the Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra (APCC) and all are in wheelchairs. It is an original music project whose goal is to “create a musical mixture”, by combining and crossing audio samples with all genres of music, from hip-hop to rock, including techno, blues, world music, classical music and even music and concrete sounds from advertisements or TV series. These distinguished musicians will be heard on November 6, at the Seminário Maior de Coimbra, marking the beginning of a monthly cycle of activities under the general theme “Humanizing Art”.
The initiative of the Civic Movement for the Humanization of Health in Coimbra, which proposes, through this session, to add the debate on the humanization of health to artistic expression, so in this first action, the invitation is extended to all people – who just have to attend At the seminar Maior de Coimbra from 9pm – so they can listen to the music of “Ligados aos Máquinas” at the same time as they watch the discussion. The goal is to “discuss the quality of health services provided to people with disabilities, exchange good examples and describe some of the constraints that urgently need to be overcome,” said a statement by the Civic Intervention Movement organization, which organized the meeting. A group of personalities from Coimbra are concerned about the humanization of healthcare provided in the city.