Municipality continues to improve health! For this purpose, the Magé City Hall has promoted, through the Municipal Health Department, the 10th Municipal Health Congress, this weekend, at the Cozzolino Education Center in Piabetá.
About 300 people attended the big meeting, including civil society, SUS network workers, managers, and users. That year, the theme for the release was “Securing Rights, Defending SUS, Life, and Democracy – Tomorrow Will Be Another Day.”
Health Minister Larissa Sturt explained the purpose of the discussion.
The purpose of the conference is to discuss public health policies. We are bringing in all the existing measures, and we are still discussing the new ones,” he said.
The conference aims to: Analyze the health situation at the municipal, state and national levels. Discussion of the topic and thematic themes, identified in Article 2 of this cohort, and analysis of local health priorities, for the review of municipal health plans, prepared for the years 2022 to 2025; To formulate proposals within the municipality, in order to develop the plan and action, with the aim of integrating the concept of the right to health into the public debate, in order to expand the defense of SUS in Brazil; and prepare the final report, within the deadlines set forth in these regulations. In addition to electing new members of the Municipal Health Council.
According to Deputy Mayor Jamil Kozolino, the conference aims for dialogue and unity for further improvements in health.
“This meeting is an opportunity we have to discuss the many improvements for health in our municipality, and we are doing many good things. At the conference, everyone is excited and there is strength in unity. It is gratifying to see the teams united,” said Deputy Mayor Jamil Cozzolino. This confirms that we are on the right track.”
Emergency and Emergency Network Coordinator Marilyn Formiga announced the importance of the conference to health professionals.
The event aims to take deliberation in order to plan for the next four years of health. That is, all future actions will be discussed and decided in this procedure, such as job, salary plan, working conditions, among others.
Photo: Romulo Barbosa