Taking care of a pet includes care such as food, fun and above all health. This is because animals are exposed to different environmental conditions, many of which are usually transmitted from one to the other. Among them are fleas, a parasite that teachers fear deeply.
And whoever thinks that only dogs are affected is wrong, see? The great truth is that cats also get fleas And like dogs, need treatment To relieve symptoms and stop the cycle of contamination.
According to veterinarian Kathia Almeida Soares, it is a common belief that cats do not come into contact with fleas because they do not leave the house for a walk. However, These parasites can get into the home through the clothes of the inhabitantsfor example.
Does my cat have fleas?
We already know that cats also get fleas, but that doesn’t mean that all cats are infected. Therefore, when suspecting a possible infection, pay attention to the following signs: Severe itching, redness, hair loss and apathy.
However, these symptoms are more common in the advanced stages. “for this reason, Pets also need routine visits to the vet. Only a professional can assess his health and behavior and provide guidance on disease prevention, food, routine exams and vaccinations,” the specialist highlights.
flea treatment
If the diagnosis is closed, then start the correct treatment, which will end the discomfort felt by the cats and also avoid possible complications.
According to Cathia, it is recommended to use products that have two effects: To kill fleas quicklyand prevent them from laying their eggs. and prolonged workAny cleaning of the environment to break the life cycle of these parasites.
“Some teachers are afraid to give medicine to cats, because they find it difficult to take pills. The good news is that there are products that work against fleas that contain fleas. transdermal applicationthat is, on the skin,” concludes the vet.
source: Cathia Almeida Soares, veterinarian and pet coordinator at MSD Saúde Animal; and Bravecto.