Diogo Farrow He shared a video of an incident in the village of Penha de França, in Lisbon, that took place on Sunday, June 12, during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. “The man who is a man, take away the fever. Bisexuals can stay outside.”were the words uttered by singer Marco Morgado in Santos Popolares.
“Sort of unnecessary what happened… right?”questioning the comedian before sharing the moment in question. “For now: fever. And then, in 2022, are we still in this? Sisi to be an insult and discrimination? I mean, these days everything was spinning: men, women, gays, lesbians (…) singing “I’ll take it in the pack”…”he added.
“Taking it in the box, first of all, does not make anyone gay, but since many people still think so, because in 2022 there is not the slightest sense that there is still this discrimination and homophobia, either we take all Someone in the package, otherwise we don’t take anyone”Been completed.
Meanwhile, the Penha de França . Parish Council issue a note About what happened by saying that “Rejects the homophobic and unreasonable comments of singer Marco Morgado”. “If we had knowledge of this type of behaviour, we would never have been included in the event. The role of the Penha de França parish council in combating all kinds of discrimination is widely known. We apologize to the entire LGBTQI+ community and other participants.”read more.
Marco Morgado also publicly responded and apologized and Shared guide How to donate tuftfor the association LGBTQI +.