British ministers will introduce legislation once Parliament in London resumes work on Monday to tackle the UK’s worst staff crisis, which is NHS. The aim is to facilitate the employment of foreign nurses and dentists in the UK. The The Guardian made the news.
The move is part of an effort by Secretary of State for Health Steve Barclay to increase hiring outside the UK to help fill gaps in the health and social care workforce, which have been exacerbated by the UK’s departure. European bloc – a process that became famous as Britain’s exit from the European Union.
According to the newspaper, Steve Barclay believes thousands of healthcare professionals will be drawn to the new rules, making it easier for medical regulators to register those who qualify overseas. If the move succeeds, the law will help pave the way for skilled professionals from countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, the Philippines and Malaysia, the media outlet writes.
The aforementioned media also reported that critics claim the policy is a “filler” that does not replace the oversupply of local staff and threatens to exacerbate the shortage of health professionals in other countries battling shortages of medical services. Personnel Affairs.
The legislative move will come days after NHS data showed that the chronic shortage of healthcare workers in the sector rose from 25,000 in three months earlier this year to a record 132,139, or one in 10 of the entire health workforce. .
See also: the most fattening professions
Stress appears to be the main culprit, as well as a sedentary lifestyle. Find out which occupations best put your shape at risk according to an annual study by CareerBuilder, which says 6 out of 10 workers feel they are overweight.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Consultants – 51% of these workers gained weight during the analysis period. The error may be in the tables. We all know that working for a consulting firm means no time to quit and that means you often turn to junk food or a poor diet to fight hunger. And there’s another day at the gym wasted by another meeting.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Computer Technicians and Engineers – Because they are activities that require a lot of time in front of a computer, 41% of their professionals say they are overweight. Many of these professionals eat only two meals a day and resort to snacks, forgetting that they must eat a little healthy food every three hours. Leave the fries and crackers aside.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Managers and financiers – Also because they rely so much on computers, 45% of these professionals gain weight while they are active. The consultants’ explanation is appropriate here as well. On the other hand, working in a bank may mean sitting for a long time.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Doctors and nurses – professionals in this field, when they take care of others, forget to take care of themselves. At least that’s what it looks like. Doctors, nurses, and diagnostic assistants have very difficult schedules, with 24-hour shifts, for example. In addition to the stress associated with activity, they also work out at night, which affects their eating routine and hormone production (45%).
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Marketers – they are the first professionals called to help design a business, often without great resources, but with great pressure to increase sales, increase food intake. Four out of ten think they are overweight because of their work.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Hospitality and Tourism Professionals – The constant need to satisfy customers and provide them with good service can be stressful and exhausting. 39% of professionals surveyed in this field said they gained weight due to work.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Factory worker – 39% of factory workers assume that they gained weight in the period under analysis. Sometimes, physical exhaustion prevents these professionals from taking the time to exercise.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Retail Professionals – These professionals are also subject to some pressure, which comes from the fact that it is an activity that involves a lot of work dedicated to the customer, attention to competition and complex schedules. 35% think they have gained weight.
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>
Conclusion – The report confirms that workers who work in an office are more likely to be overweight. But those numbers rise with increased stress: 70% of highly stressed professionals are overweight. On the other hand, women (44%) complain of being overweight compared to men (38%).
“data-title =” British Ministers will facilitate the work of foreign nurses and dentists in the English Health Service – SAPO Lifestyle “>