Bruna Gomez He participated in the second edition of “Big Brother Famosos”, in 2022 and gave a lot to talk about in the “most watched house in the country”. However, she was not TVI’s first choice for the programme. But who, after all, is the Brazilian star who denied Christina Ferrera in “Big Brother Famosos”?
This is Jojo Todynho, a famous singer in the lands of Vera Cruz, who went to Portugal to promote one of his biggest divas. He hitsMusic “Which shot was it?”. The singer made a revelation in the program “Domingão com Huck”, shown on Globo, available here through the platform flow globalplay. Under “Acredite se Quiser”, one of the questions was which of the three guests actually participated in Portugal’s “Big Brother”. At that moment, Jogo Todinho got the right answer: Bruna Gomez, who was also present.
His arguments shocked everyone. “I was invited to the BBB in Portugal and I didn’t accept. I took my placebegan to clarify, thus making it clear that she is the Brazilian star who deprived Christina Ferreira of the series “Big Brother Famosos”. “I was scared, because I didn’t cancel in Brazil (when I was on ‘A Fazenda’, on Record TV), but on the other side of the world, it’s another story. Let me win here, it’s good.”He added between laughs.
Praise be to Bruna Gomez
At the invitation of Luciano Huck, Bruna Gomes recalled this experience, talking about what has changed in her life since participating in two editions of the format and even confirming After being embraced by another country. “Brazil’s prize is bigger, but the best thing is that I found myself again. I think the confinement was very important to give more purpose to what I do.”answered. It received praise from Jojo Todynho. “It’s fantastic. I rocked itsIt was flawless from start to finish. our end. loved it”He finally said, in a good mood.