Brazil registered today 318 more deaths due to COVID-19According to the Ministry of Health, the country is experiencing a slowdown in the epidemic, With the continuous decrease in the number of new deaths. However, experts warn, due to the spread of the delta type of coronavirus, it is more transmissible.
The official number of epidemic victims In the country 574,527. In total, 20,570,891 people had a positive diagnosis of Covid-19.
The region with the highest mortality rate is the Midwest, with 333 deaths per 100,000 residents. Then the south, with a rate of 298 deaths per 100,000. As of yesterday (21), about 26% of the Brazilian population has completed the vaccination against COVID-19.
Crowded bars in Sao Paulo This was the first weekend without restrictions on time and attendance at bars and restaurants in São Paulo, since the measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic were adopted in the city. The facilities were overcrowded. Folha d.s. Paulo report arrested The communities of Villa Maddalena and the Rua Augusta district, places of bustling nightlife before the Covid-19 pandemic.
In response to Jair Bolsonaro’s government’s decision to restrict access to data on the COVID-19 pandemic, the media UOL, O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1, Extra Form a consortium to work collaboratively to obtain necessary information directly from state health departments in 27 units of the union.
Federal government, through Ministry of HealthThe natural source for these figures should be, but the attitudes of the authorities and the president himself during the pandemic cast doubt on the availability and accuracy of the data.