Brad Pitt Talk about a condition he thinks he has.
The 58-year-old actor admitted in an interview with “GQ” magazine that he suffers from recognizable blindness, the inability to fully or partially recognize faces or features. Also known as “facial blindness,” it makes a person unable to easily distinguish others, even those closest to them. People with this condition focus on other characteristics, such as hair, voice, or even sign language, using these traits to identify people.
During the interview, Brad Pitt confirmed that he has not yet received the official diagnosis and explains that it took him a long time to admit to himself this disability. “I can’t understand the face He confessed. He says this can often make him appear distracted or unsympathetic, as he ends up not communicating easily with others. “A lot of people hate me because they think I don’t respect them.”
And about the reactions he receives when he talks about this situation, he says: “No one believes me! I would like to meet other people who have facial blindness too”. Brad Pitt then wants to share his experience to help those who might be going through the same thing as well.