Photo: Disclosure / Sesa
76,500 doses of the Fiocruz/AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Espiritu Santo late Monday (23). On Sunday, 65,000 doses were delivered (22) including 30,100 doses of Putantam/Sinovac and 35,100 doses of Pfizer and Biontech.
Read also: The third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may be given to elderly people in ES next month
The arrival of the new batches completes a total of 141,700 doses received, Governor Renato Casagrande announced.
ES is the best scorer for transparency in vaccination data
Espírito Santo is the most transparent state in Brazil in terms of vaccination data against the novel coronavirus. And now, with the highest scores in the Covid-19 Transparency Index 3.0 (ITC-19).
The country, which had already reached the first place in the assessment released in June, grew seven points, reaching 100% of the assessed items.
In its third phase, ITC No. 19 expanded the number of transparency standards evaluated and began analyzing, in addition to the availability and quality of epidemiological and health infrastructure data, state and federal vaccination indicators.
know more: Espírito Santo has the highest score for transparency in vaccination data