A fanatical follower of the president and candidate for re-election in the October presidential elections, Jair Bolsonaro, killed a supporter of the former president and the leader of the Lula da Silva election race with a knife and an ax, during an argument between them in defense of the two. Policy. The crime took place in Confresa, within the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, hours after Jair Bolsonaro carried out extremist and anti-democratic actions in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro.
The assailant, Rafael Silva, 24, and the victim, Benedetto Cardoso dos Santos, 44, worked together on a property in rural Confresa and had already argued on other occasions while defending their candidates. This time, after Bolsonaro’s fiery rhetoric fanned throughout the day, they took the differences to an extreme, and at one point Benedetto, enraged by Rafael Lula’s insults, punched his teammate in the face and ran away.
Rafael went after his co-worker, managed to take a knife from Benedito’s hand that he was holding and hit the victim several times in the back when he tried to escape again.
With Benedetto already on the ground, Rafael, according to the police in Porto Alegre do Norte, where the crime was recorded and being investigated, ran to a warehouse on the property, took an ax and struck the victim’s neck and head, eventually killing her. After that, he hid the knife and the axe, but when he was injured in one of his hands and forehead, he went to Conversa Hospital for treatment, and claimed that he was the victim of an attempted robbery by strangers, but a novel did not convince the staff and the police were called. Rafael ended up confessing to the crime.
In July, a supporter of Lula da Silva, Marcelo Arruda, the treasurer of the Workers’ Party in Foz do Iguaçu, southern Brazil, was shot dead while he was celebrating his 50th birthday, with family and friends, in a rented hall filled with pictures. from the former president. Jorge Guarano, a criminal police officer, a follower of Jair Bolsonaro, when he learned of the ceremony decorated with red flags and pictures of Lula, went to the scene and executed Marcelo.