President Jair Bolsonaro (without any party) said on Saturday (31), during a federation ceremony for the oncology hospital in Presidente Prudente, in the interior of São Paulo, that if there are problems in the Ministry of Health, Minister Marcelo Quiroga will do so. Access to ‘potential culprits’.
“There may be a problem in his ministry [Marcelo Queiroga]. After all, his daily budget is R$ 550 million, and it is not easy to coordinate and monitor these resources. “If problems arise, we will be the first to cooperate with the investigations and get the potential perpetrators to account,” Bolsonaro said.
When mentioning a possible “problem” with the suitcase that Quiroga chairs, the president did not mention the doubts the pandemic CPI has raised about getting the Covaxin vaccine.
According to testimony by Representative Luis Miranda (DEM-DF), Bolsonaro was informed of an alleged request for bribes in the purchase of Indian immunization agents, and Federal Representative Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), the government leader in the department, was reportedly named upon learning of alleged wrongdoing . Barros denies involvement in the immunization worker negotiations.
The president again stated that there are no reports of corruption in his government. “We’ve gone two and a half years without any corruption reports.”
According to Bolsonaro, Quiroga quickly adapted “to the way we work”. The president also cited the America’s Cup in Brazil as an example of the health minister’s agility in the face of protocols that must be made for the tournament.
“I told him: We will have a Copa America in Brazil, Quiroga. He said he will have a protocol in a few days. I said: Quiroga, this is the Libertadores protocol, he said yes and we solved it in 10 minutes.”
earlier, The President took a motorcycle tour with his supporters in Presidente Prudente. It was the fifth time the president had ridden with his supporters and the first after being hospitalized with intestinal obstruction.