The municipal bodies of Benakova Municipality met and unanimously approved the transfer of competencies in the field of health.
This process was the result of several negotiations over a period of months between representatives of the Ministry of Health and the municipality. Finally, it culminated in analysis and approval, first by the newly created Municipal Health Board, and subsequently by the Executive Board of the City Council and the Municipal Assembly.
Vice President of the Chamber, Magda Rodriguez, considered the agreement very positive in general. Many of the issues requested by Benakova have long been taken care of, and are included in a supplemental agreement to the notice of transfer. These funds include monitoring services, HVAC maintenance contracts, security, property and professional insurance, as well as the potential to increase the number of operational assistants.
“This supplementary agreement also included the possibility of carrying out improvement works in the three existing health expansions: Lorvão, Figueira de Lorvão and São Pedro de Alva,” added Magda Rodrigues.
Skills transfer in the health sector includes the management, maintenance and upkeep of buildings and their equipment, as well as human resource management in the profession of operational assistants, and the transition to the municipal sphere. The municipality will assume these new powers as of January 1, 2024.
In another health field, the municipality of Benakova recently signed a financing contract for the rehabilitation of the health center, with an investment of 900 thousand euros, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).