Losa said that the document states that the situation of these Portuguese cannot be overcome through existing mechanisms in the host country and that is why they received the Social Support for Elderly People in Need in Portuguese Communities (ASIC-CP).
In 2022, 58 applications for this support were received, from four countries: South Africa (eight), Chile (one), Uruguay (one), and Venezuela (48).
In the last quarter of 2022, 345 beneficiaries received this aid, distributed among 10 countries: Brazil (141), Venezuela (119), Mozambique (31), South Africa (31), Zimbabwe (11), Angola (six), and Uruguay. (two), Cape Verde (two), Argentina (one), Chile (one).
Global annual spending on this support amounted to 581 thousand euros.
The 2022 Migration Report, prepared by the Migration Observatory and Rede Migra, within the framework of the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), indicates that in that year, the Portuguese state provided aid amounting to €76,551. For Portuguese citizens, who have legal and effective residence abroad, in a situation of proven absolute need or apparent fragility, through the Social Support for Migrants in Need from Portuguese Communities (ASEC-CP).
These Portuguese immigrants were in Valencia (11), Caracas (11), Johannesburg (three), Beira (one), and São Tomé and Príncipe (one).
The document also lists 65 supports upon arrival in Portugal (social and health) in 2022.
Social support was granted to 53 citizens of Germany, Angola, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Denmark, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Venezuela.
Twelve citizens from Germany, Angola, Belgium, Spain, France and Switzerland benefited from health support.
Last year, 37 repatriations were processed (35% fewer than in 2021) of citizens who were abroad, with no means of returning to Portugal, with “income drain” being the main factor associated with repatriations.