press office
Last week, clients from the Florianópolis Zoonotic Disease Control Center identified an outbreak of dengue mosquitoes in Santo Antonio de Lisbon and Sambaqui.
By: Paulo Luis Cordero
92 and 47 foci were identified, respectively. Foci are found in several sediments, the most important of which are the so-called mobile sediments such as plates, vases and pots.
The Center for Zoonoses Control team explains that vases or pots, regardless of whether they are made of any material such as ceramic, crockery, plastic or glass, should be washed with a sponge/loofah and soap to remove mosquito eggs on the container wall, as well as to eliminate larvae that develop in water. This procedure is sufficient if it is done at least once a week.
In addition to the measures already implemented in Santo Antonio and Sambaqui, there are joint efforts against dengue fever that began last week in the Ratones neighborhood, which are still ongoing. The municipal administration stresses once again the importance of allocating residents about 10 minutes a week to remove or change (dig, seal, sieve, overturn) any sediment in which stagnant water may accumulate, in order to prevent the spread of mosquitoes in the capital.
With information from ASCOM / PMF
The bottom of the Uruguay River is almost as dry as it was in the drought of 1978
03/02 | regional
Image of a boy and a man crossing the Uruguay River on foot, where there is little water, from one bank to another, in the summer of 1978, agronomist Sidney Egon Simon, regional director of Epagri de São Miguel do Oeste, 655 km from Florianópolis, will not be forgotten .