“The thinnest product we’ve ever created, and the most advanced display we’ve ever produced” are these words with which Apple CEO Tim Cook refers to the new iPad Pro To promote this new generation of technological device, the North American company produced an American company video It went viral, but for the worst reasons.
How could an advertisement for the new iPad Pro turn into a controversy that requires an apology? At stake is the content and message conveyed. In the one-minute video titled “Crush”, it is possible to see various musical instruments, art objects, video game machines and other symbols of creativity being completely “crushed” and “destroyed” by a giant hydraulic press.
At the end of the video, the new iPad Pro model is revealed, and according to Apple, the destruction of all those elements symbolizes the device’s ability to combine a comprehensive set of tools and artistic icons.
“Friendly zombie fanatic. Analyst. Coffee buff. Professional music specialist. Communicator.”