In Disney World, we'll all experience Christmas the same way, or at least minimally. There are no emotional, financial or social challenges. In a world like ours, where there is a strange return to bygone eras that were less morally and culturally developed, there is no way to remain indifferent to 2023 and what will not be just another Christmas.
Written by Joanna Rossino, people enthusiast, HR head and author of “Me and HR“
I'm not a pessimistic person, I still don't consider myself defeated and I think there's a chance for us to think: Raising community awareness of various global disasters and national epidemics during Christmas can play a crucial role in promoting empathy. – It is the most necessary item for me to cultivate at the moment.
Now let's see:
- I haven't been able to watch the news for some time, but I keep up to date in other ways, and I recognize the role of some social media as agents for disseminating reliable information and putting events in context for the general public. Allowing people to understand the seriousness of situations and feel more connected to the affected communities. It is more comfortable to avoid knowledge that causes us discomfort, but it is worse to pretend that nothing is happening.
- Fortunately, not everyone practices selective information retention. I do not remember ever seeing so many aid phenomena as I have now. Awareness of what is happening outside our walls has encouraged real solidarity campaigns. On the move, non-profit organizations, humanitarian aid groups and unnamed people are stepping up to help with whatever they can. The latter are my new heroes this Christmas.
- My other heroes this Christmas are all victims of emotional, financial or social woes. Fortunately, they began to have the courage to cast their votes by providing many testimonies. Listening to these survivors (no matter the ordeal) share what they went through and how they overcame it helps us gain a better understanding of what it means to “be there.”
- An incentive for opinion leaders who participate in awareness campaigns and calls to action. They are also the ones who influence attitudes and behaviour. It is easier for us to act if the people we give credit for doing so. Let's lead by example!
- But to do this, we need to be able to break out of the dome that makes us less human, less compassionate. Paying attention, seeing with the eye and acting when needed helps us to be less selfish and share a collective, supportive and protective conscience. We cannot change the world, but it is our duty to try to do something to improve our world, ours and perhaps someone else we meet.
Recently a video came to my mind of a man who, upon entering a one meter tall carriage, somewhere in this world, in the year 2023, got his foot stuck between the carriage and the platform. Within minutes, a river of people were pushing the cart so the man could free his foot. Thank God that compassion prevailed over indifference. There is still hope. May we never lack this ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.
This won't be another birthday! I know it makes it more difficult to evade life. But let's cultivate empathy, so that at least it will be a more honest and supportive period.
Merry Christmas everyone, with lots of sympathy, please!
“Hardcore alcohol maven. Hipster-friendly analyst. Introvert. Devoted social media advocate.”