This Tuesday (10), Youtube They released a video on their official channel revealing a new promotional campaign for creating short films. Seeking to intensify the competition between short videos with TikTok, Google’s platform offers the option to use popular songs from artists like The Weeknd, Camilla Cabello, and BTS in the production soundtrack.
According to the gate 9to5GoogleThe ad will appear on YouTube for mobile phones, browsers, and even TVs. In addition, the video will be accompanied by short trailers of songs by other artists, such as Doja Cat, and users of TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter should watch these ads on social media.
“In one of our biggest marketing campaigns, we rely on the ‘short side of YouTube’ to show how easy and fun it is to create short films. Music from today’s top artists, including other YouTube exclusives, can be used by anyone.” , said Jodi Robert, vice president of marketing for the company.
How to make shorts with music
To use your favorite song in a nutshell, access the artist’s video on the YouTube mobile app and check for the Create button. Simply select the shortcut, and then the service opens the creation of the video with the built-in path.
Website button “Create”Source: Reproduction / Tadao Matos
Another possibility of merging involves selecting the “Create” option in the app’s bottom bar on the home page. Under the submenu that will open, you can select the Create Short option to open the compose panel and choose Add Music to open the catalog of available tracks.
Shortcut to collect shorts on the main page of the application; The user can also press the “Short” button to see recent postsSource: Reproduction / Tadao Matos
YouTube never stops investing in short films
This feature is still in beta, was made available in Brazil in June and is already in More than 100 countries. Last Tuesday (3), Google revealed an amount of 100 million dollars, or about 500 million Brazilian reais, to “support” the creation of this content until next year.
Based on user performance in the previous month, the company will communicate with popular channels to offer a reward Between $100 and $10,000 (between 519 and 51.9 thousand Brazilian Reals).
The shorts are a direct response to the publication of the short video platform TikTok, which became the app with Most downloads from the world recently.