Vector program coordinator at the Center for Zoonoses Disease Control, Jean Rio, in an interview for the Marco Zero program – Photo: Marcelo Oliveira
I shouldn’t need to, but Jean Rios, “Jean from the CCZ,” guides us on how the evaluator can help with this “very old and easy to fight” problem; Watch the interview.
Dengue fever is a “very old and easy to fight” problem. So summarizes Jean Do CCZ, Vector Program Coordinator at the Center for Zoonoses, “Jean do CCZ,” in an interview with Marco Zero. For this confrontation, a combination of actions by the government and the contribution of the residents of Foz do Iguaçu is necessary.
Watch the interview.
The last numbers are worrying and not just statistics. It is very difficult not to have a family with dengue fever at home or in the neighbourhood, which causes pain and suffering to people and puts pressure on public health services. From August 2021 to May this year, there are 7,800 notifications of the disease and 575 confirmed cases, extrapolating the data into the past two weeks, reaching 800 cases.
In this context, on the part of the inhabitant, frequent home and yard care preclude maintenance of the breeding sites of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits dengue and other diseases. How do? “Everyone has to do their part, and the care has to be daily,” Jean stresses.
He asserts that “it is necessary to avoid standing water, because any body can become fertile ground.” “It is essential to inspect gutters, plant pots, tires, toys, water or grease tanks and even a drink lid thrown in the backyard can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes,” emphasizes the health professional.
In the interview, Jean Rios reported that Aedes aegypti eggs can last up to 450 days, more than a year waiting to come into contact with water. He explained why smoke was not used and that what was new in the fight against the disease at the moment was the installation of larvicide dispersal stations (EDLs), a project by Fucruz Amazonia in partnership with the Ministry of Health.
The escalation of notifications and cases of dengue fever in Foz do Iguaçu led the city council to pass a resolution on Thursday 19th. According to the regulations, “the owners or persons in charge of the property will have a period of three days, which cannot be extended, to maintain the lands, backyards and buildings”, in order to avoid water accumulation and allow mosquitoes to form, the Municipal News Agency (AMN) reported.
In cases of inspection or handling of complaints, and confirmation of non-compliance with this decision, a fine of 30 UFFI (Foz do Iguaçu Tax Units) will be applied, valued at R$101.65 each. A fee will also be charged for the cleaning done by the management.
AMN added that “if materials with stagnant water and mosquito larvae that transmit dengue are found, the fine will be 70 UFFI.” If there is a new discovery of similar violations, the amount of the fine from the property owner can be doubled.
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