WhatsApp will no longer have cell phone numbers. Only names will appear.
The application is preparing a new function that follows the logic of Instagram and is ideal for those who want to maintain their privacy.
WhatsApp never stops issuing news. After enabling the functionality to edit messages within 15 minutes of sending, another change is coming. This time is about how each number is specified.
To date, the most used chat app in Portugal uses the phone number of users to identify them. But that will soon change. The instant communication platform is piloting a new tool that lets you choose each user’s name. Each person will then get a unique name using @ – just like on Instagram.
Confused? We explain. Instead of your identity being your phone number, it could become a nickname, a category, or whatever you want, basically. The name is chosen by each user and will be unique in the world. This means that no two people can have the same thing. This will be the option that will be available to anyone who wants to connect through the app.
What does this mean? In those groups where you do not want all participants to see your personal contact, this will no longer happen. Another major novelty in this WhatsApp revolution is the fact that you can tag conversations, which are always at the top of the page, and the fact that you can hide conversations using a password or Face ID to unlock them. Both solutions are already being tested in the iOS version.