There are many changes and new features in WhatsApp, especially for users. Many of them focus on messages and how they are used, read, or sent. A new feature arriving soon will completely change the way we use voice messages. Find out how this will happen.
More and more WhatsApp users are using voice messages to communicate. They abandon traditional methods, i.e. typing, to start dictating text or speaking directly on the smartphone. This simplifies use and makes connection faster.
As a result, WhatsApp focuses on this part, to make this usage simpler. This was demonstrated in the redesign of this interface and even in the ability to send video messages between users in the conversation.
And now what Discover In the beta version of the Android and iOS app, some users now have the ability to send audio messages that can only be heard once. This would be a similar function to what we already have in photos and even in written messages.
In the interface there is a new single display icon available when recording a voice message with a lock. When you click this icon, the voice message will be sent in one-time listening mode, so the recipient cannot export, forward, save or record it.
After you send a voice message with Listen Once mode enabled, you won't be able to listen to it and the recipient won't be able to listen to it after discarding it. This mode reduces the chances of unauthorized access or eavesdropping later, providing a new layer of privacy for sensitive and confidential information.
This new feature will now be tested and evaluated by a group of users to make it even better. It's an important addition and will give users more security at specific times when they want to protect the voice messages they send. Everything will be easy to use, as expected, and will happen naturally and without complications.