Security has always been one of the pillars of WhatsApp. This identification service wants to protect information, both as it travels over the Internet and in physical form on smartphones. Now, to provide more security, WhatsApp is testing new forms of authentication.
There are many ways to ensure the security of users of web services and the applications that access them. All of them need to be addressed and guaranteed, whether physically or financially.
WhatsApp has sought to offer users every possible way to protect themselves. Proof of this is the possibility of using your fingerprint to lock this application or to protect your most private conversations.
Now the Meta service takes this one step further on Android and offers other forms of authentication. It's not just a fingerprint anymore, we can also use a PIN or facial recognition.
Although it does not allow you to choose the form of authentication, users will not face any problems. WhatsApp will look at Android and use what is defined and used on the system.
In addition to allowing this option, WhatsApp also allows you to set a blocking time. The user can choose to have this not be immediate, but after 1 minute or after 30.
This new feature is still being tested by a limited group of users, but it promises to be available to everyone soon. Users are grateful and this new security measure will definitely be welcomed.