WhatsApp has made changes to its appearance, from its brand shade of green to the style of the app buttons. The changes are small, but still noticeable and even criticized by some users. (See them all below).
On social media, there are many complaints about edits, especially those in Menu buttons are starting to appear at the bottom of the screen on Android phones – Until then, “Chats,” “Updates,” “Communities,” and “Communications” options appeared at the top of the app.
The new look will be implemented gradually for all users and cannot be undone, according to WhatsApp.
The platform said: “These changes were made to provide a more modern experience on WhatsApp, in addition to making the application easier to access and use.”
See the changes to WhatsApp's appearance below:
- The tabs, which were located at the top of the screen, It now appears below on Android phones.
- Hey Green tone of the logo and has been changed The application's colors have become more intenseTo help users focus on the most important areas of the screen, the company says.
- Hey Dark mode Now it's getting darker, and Clear situation There are more areas in white, to facilitate reading, according to WhatsApp.
- Icons and buttons They acquired different shapes and colors.
- Information and texts Now they have more distance between them.
- Hey Logo WhatsApp is now displayed in the Chats tab.
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