The latest update available for WhatsApp brings a newness that all users will surely appreciate. In question, the possibility to start a conversation with contacts that are not in the list of your Android or iOS smartphone.
This may seem like a minor novelty, but it will certainly add a new layer of convenience to one of the most popular communication applications in the world. From now on, all you need is a contact number.
WhatsApp now allows you to start conversations with contacts that are not saved on your smartphone
Until now, to start a WhatsApp conversation, it was necessary to save the respective contact on your smartphone. If you want to talk to someone outside of your contact list, the first step is to add that person to your contact list.
Thanks to the latest update available for WhatsApp, this step will not be necessary anymore. That is, you can search directly in the application for a contact, and if it is already on the platform, immediately start sending messages.
For this, the user must press the button to create a conversation. Then, you have to enter the respective contact number in the search bar and thus be able to start a new chat room with that person.
This functionality will prove useful in isolated cases, where there is an occasional need to chat or send information to a specific contact. This way, you will not need to add it to your smartphone contact list.
This function may have other purposes of equal benefit. For example, if you get a call from a number you don’t know, you can easily try to check if you know that person by their profile picture (if available) on WhatsApp.
We often announce new features for WhatsApp that are still in beta. This is not the case with this option and it should be noted that it integrates the latest stable version of the app for Android and iOS.
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