Despite all the security related issues, WhatsApp has tried everything to ensure that its users are protected. The procedures applied mainly focus on the functionality of the service.
Now Meta wants to go further and has taken a unique step. You launched a lawsuit in court and you want to blame programmers who create apps to give WhatsApp more functionality and thus end up stealing user accounts.
Despite all the warnings that are made almost continuously, many WhatsApp users are betting on alternative apps to offer this service more. Meta actively opposed this action, even banning those who use these apps.
To work more efficiently, Meta and WhatsApp are now in court to blame some programmers. These are the creators of applications such as "HeyMods", "Highlight Mobi" and "HeyWhatsApp", accused of stealing more than a million accounts.
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Available on Play Store and other APK repositories, these apps contain hidden malware that steals users' credentials. To do this, when the app is opened, these credentials are requested and then communicated to an attacker's central point.
With this data, hackers take over these accounts and use them to spread spam messages and even attempt other attacks. Some of these apps have more than 1 million downloads on the Android Play Store and promise new themes and features for WhatsApp.
If you see friends or family using a different form of WhatsApp, please encourage them to use WhatsApp only from a trusted app store or from our official website directly at
- Will Cathcart (@wcathcart) 11 July 2022
This situation is not new and WhatsApp has already warned about the situation before. The company's CEO, Will Cathcart, previously warned about this behavior and the attempt by WhatsApp and Meta to ban these apps in the future. Recommend you to download these apps from Safe sources.
For this lawsuit, Meta claims the programmers effectively violated its rules, although the jurisdiction is unclear. The complaint notes that the companies are regulated under the laws of three different regions, Hong Kong, Beijing and Taiwan, which could make the process more complicated.