Technical Teams for WG Health and WG Protocols The coordinators of the regional committees for the regions of Covid met for the first time, this Thursday (27/5), through videoconference, to align Local measures for regions in Action 3As the surveillance system.
The regions of Cachoeira do Sol, Cruz Alta, Iguy, Paso Fondo, Santo Angelo, Palmeira das Messes, Santa Rosa and Uruguiana received alerts last week and presented action plans, with protocols and measures adapted to the epidemiological situation of each. After the analysis, the Health Working Group and Protocol Working Group recommend a review of the submitted plans. Technical teams believe that the proposed measures can still be improved to better adapt to the moment of the Covid-19 pandemic scenario worsening, and also, in more detail, so that forecasts can be made.
“We want to build this dialogue, and therefore, we will speak more frequently with Regional Coordinators, so that we can understand what works and what does not. At the moment, we are asking regions to review plans and implement more proactive and effective measures so that the scenario we are facing can be reversed. Crisis, Marcelo Alves, that we want to reach an understanding in it while we are together, because the success of each municipality is the success of each state.
On Friday (5/28), the Crisis Office will send a letter to the regional committee coordinators with individual analysis and suggestions that can be adopted in each region.
To broaden the dialogue with the regional commissions, alignment meetings between state and regional government will be held weekly, on Thursday. All 21 COVID-19 regions are monitored daily by government teams.
Action plans already submitted can be verified on the 3As Monitoring System website, in the “Information” and “Sections”Historical“.
On Wednesday (5/26) regions Caxias do Sol, Erichim, Pilotas and Santa Maria Receive alerts from the Crisis Office. The action plan must be sent by Friday (5/28), when 48 hours of notification of districts have been completed by the state.
Stricter protocols and measures can be adopted immediately upon notification of the alert. This means that the regions do not need the approval of the country that will evaluate the sent plans, and if it concludes that the measures are insufficient, it will communicate with the region. There is no deadline for completing the analysis.
Text: Susie Scarton
Edition: Secom