On Friday, the Ukrainian police managed to prevent an attempt to steal a painting attributed to the British artist Banksy, painted on a wall in the outskirts of Kyiv, the local authorities announced, on Saturday.
🇧🇷[Na sexta-feira] in hostomail [cidade localizada a noroeste da capital Kiev]A group of people tried to steal a Banksy drawing. And the governor of the Kyiv region, Oleksich Kuleba, announced in a press release posted on Telegram that they had cut work on the wall of a house destroyed by the Russians.
The post was accompanied by a photo showing the chipped wall and orange paint. According to Kuleba, “several people were arrested by the Ukrainian police on the spot” and that “the drawing is in good condition and is already in the hands of the police.”
“Eight people have been identified,” Kyiv district police chief Andrei Nepetov said in a statement. “They are from 27 to 60 years old, residents of Kyiv and Cherkassy [cidade localizada 200 quilómetros a sudeste da capital ucraniana]Details of the police chief, in Telegram.
Andrey Nepetov added that “a preliminary investigation has been opened into the property damage.”
In mid-November, it was announced that British artist Banksy had painted one of his “paintings” on the wall of one of the destroyed buildings in the Ukrainian city of Borodinka, in the Kyiv region, as developed by the Ukrinform portal.
The picture showed a girl exercising, leaning on the floor, in an almost impossible balance, on the remains of one of the walls destroyed by the bombing. “Banksy’s business in the Kyiv region is under police protection,” Kuleba said in a statement.