New variants of Covid-19 It was confirmed in Small area from Lavras, In southern Minas. Study before LabcovedFrom Lavras Federal University (Ufla), Found variants of Manaus, UK and two others identified in the country.
According to doctor Jos Cherem, 19 samples from the Lavras micro-region, covering 10 cities, were collected by LabCovid and sequenced by the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Bioinformatics in the Microbiology sector in Ufla.
“We found four variants, namely: B.1.1.7, from the UK; p. 1 from Manaus; p. 2 from Rio de Janeiro; and B.1.1.28, the Brazilian variant,” he explains.
Brazil is still testing the variables a bit, around 0.04%. Important definition in epidemiological examination for Covid-19He warns of the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection, which helps in a very important way in formulating public policies to confront the epidemic.
The genomic study of these variants was sent to the Minister of State for Health of Minas Gerais (SES-MG). “We have an agenda for resource research scheduled to take place at the beginning of next month, with the Minister of State for Health, Fabio Bakiriti, with the mediation of State Vice President Nouraldino, to expand the scope of research in Minas Gerais,” he says.