In a landmark deal, Uber on Wednesday (26) approved the merger of drivers working in the UK. The agreement guarantees greater safety for workers and was celebrated by the GMB union, which represents more than 70,000 professionals working in the country.
The decision is part of a judicial struggle to reach the Supreme Court, and the deal focuses on opposing the popular “economy of the bill” or informality. Henceforth, drivers can be trusted to negotiate collectively with the right to a minimum wage and other benefits.
Rights guaranteed
By signing the contract, the union hopes to enforce certain rights of drivers, work in conjunction with the technology company, and always safeguard targeted professionals with good working conditions and application.
This achievement is the result of several rounds with Uber in recent years in the United Kingdom because the company has never recognized drivers as direct employees, a situation that has been the subject of many lawsuits – including discussions here in Brazil.
In the UK, the positive outcome was affected by an action brought by two former drivers, but the union has received 25 more filings against Uber and cases have been pending in British courts since 2016.
Active participation
Among the advantages of this agreement is that the union can officially represent officials by actively participating in type meetings. Additionally, it protects drivers in the process of freezing access to the application, whether due to user complaints or low scores for various reasons.
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However, it did not include the union membership of Uber drivers and the approximately 30,000 professionals who provide services to Uber Eats.
Although this judicial victory is only valid in the United Kingdom, unions in many countries are setting precedents for using it to demand higher labor rights for drivers registered in the application, requiring minimum wages, weekends and extra time. Holidays.
Via: On the edge