Tom Cruise trained for over three years to do one of the most dangerous stunts of his career. The 60-year-old actor, who doesn’t need stunt doubles, will appear Mission: Impossible – Calculation of the first part Doing a quick jump, or rapid flight, is an extreme sport that is one of the most dangerous in the world and uses a small glider capable of reaching high speeds. The trek takes place in smaller and hard to reach places near the cliffs. “[Eu queria] It gives the audience the feeling of flying,” explains Tom. With Tom there are no limits so we get more adventurous every time,” says the film director, Christopher Macquarie.
The scenes were filmed in Lake Valley, UK, and the actor landed at speeds of over 80 km/h. The detail is that in addition to the challenge of accurately performing the maneuver, the shots were also adjusted so that the camera was close enough to capture the stunt, but without interfering with flight. It’s just that a helicopter or drone wouldn’t be able to get close enough to record, and the team had to build the equipment that would accompany the actor during the jump.
Tom Cruise flies for scenes from “Mission: Impossible – Account One”
For the scene to work, it took a lot of research and study. “One particularly dangerous aspect of fast flying is how close you are to the ground you’re flying over. The other is the risk of wing collapse. It’s very unpredictable,” says Christopher McCurry. The fact that the actor isn’t actually doing the job and the stuntman is doing it for him,” he says.
“The opposite is true in Mission: Impossible: We have an actor doing his own stunts and we’re constantly trying to develop technology to show him doing it. And with fast flying, that was a really tough challenge,” adds the director.