It had already happened in “Somos Portugal”, but Tui took advantage of his trip to “Dois à 10”, on the morning of Friday, August 9, to leave a scathing criticism to the commentators of “Dilema”.
Last weekend, the singer who has a daughter on a TVI reality show, He took advantage of the live broadcast in the “Somos Portugal” shot.“,”“I myself have made comments on Big Brother, and I have never criticized anyone. We don’t need to talk badly about anyone, and we don’t need to call anyone names to comment on a TV show.”
Today he said almost the same thing again, but added that Beatrice joined TVI’s RS against his will, but his target was the commentators again, because he was already in that role and it never happened, “I never called anyone names, the comment is not a judgment, it is not a judgment… I never said ‘he’s a pig’, ‘he’s disgusting’, let alone used collective nouns like ‘herd’ and ‘flock’ unless the people saying ‘that’ were using it to talk about your children because, normally, we should talk about others as we would like them to talk about our children. Toy believes that one can comment in another way, and provide content.
Beatrice Prats’ mother sets foot on TVI
Daniela, mother Beatrice Prats says they may have overdone it on the inside, but the problem for her is that they didn’t. “All pictures”.
The singer’s companion, Toi, also told the same publication that “because it wasn’t just Beatriz and Diogo, it was the whole house saying they didn’t include those photos. Either they’re all a bunch of liars inside the house, or the production didn’t show those photos, which I’m convinced of.”
Read also: Merche Romero and Zé Lopes has a section to talk about celebrities.