The São Miguel Island Health Unit (USISM) organized a photo exhibition entitled “To live is to have stories to tell!”. This photo gallery will be open to the public in the lobby of that health unit.
This photographic exhibition aims to spread awareness and increase awareness among the São Paulo community that palliative care is not the end of life and does not aim to cure illness, but rather to provide comfort and dignity to the patient and his or her family.
The event was attended by Regional Secretary of Health and Sports Dr. Mónica Sidi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Health Unit of São Miguel Island, Nurse Sandra Pereira, Doctor and Nurse in Charge of Palliative Care, Ana Sofía and Michael Passos. and other health professionals, patients and their families.
Dr. Anna Sofia, responsible for palliative care, raised awareness and thanked all health workers who accompany patients on a daily basis, and their families. Regional Secretary for Health and Sports, Monica Sidi, also praised the commitment of health workers to monitor patients and their families.
Palliative care is an approach aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with serious and/or chronic diseases, and alleviating physical, emotional and spiritual suffering.
The palliative care team consists of specialists from different fields and backgrounds (medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, rehabilitation, nutrition, spirituality, etc.).
This care is provided by a multidisciplinary team and may include pain relief treatments, complementary therapies, psychological support, and more.
At the end of this event, a group photo was taken for memory later with everyone present on “Palliative Care Day.”