There are many churches around the world with chapels dedicated to the Holy Grail, with the supposed relic kept in a glass case for visitors to see. In Europe alone, it is estimated that there are around 200 chalices with this name, says the specialist. CNN International.
The truth is that this piece connected with the life of Christ, depicted in literature and cinema, is part of the collective imagination – so that the expression “Holy Grail” is used even in other journeys, as when a sudden discovery is made, whatever the area.
However, it may be nothing more than a story. “Honestly, I don’t think the Last Supper cup still exists,” says Joan Pierce, a professor of religious studies at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts.
“It is certain that Jesus used a cup at the Last Supper, but if we look at some of the Gospel accounts, we find that the room was actually prepared by someone else. [antes de eles chegarem].So maybe this wasn’t his cup.”
For Pierce, a Catholic, the idea of the Holy Grail is more symbolic than real: “a cultural reality, not a religious reality.”
But for many it does exist, and as a real object, it can be visited. There is one in Valencia, Spain. Tradition says: “The tradition is the same cup that the Lord used at the Last Supper to institute the Eucharist.” Website To the cathedral above the “Holy Chalice of the Lord’s Supper”.
In addition to the importance of the declaration, the fact is that the announcement of the Holy Grail in a certain place is also a tourist attraction. This is not new: this mechanism has been going on since the Middle Ages, when Europeans who participated in the Crusades brought from Jerusalem so-called relics to venerate them in their lands.
In particular, the Holy Grail will be of particular importance: if it is the real object in question, it is the cup that Jesus held, with which he showed his disciples how to celebrate the Eucharist. A ritual that is repeated day after day, in every Catholic Mass.