October 22, 2020 Poland Constitutional Court Authorization to terminate a pregnancy due to severe fetal defects was found to be unconstitutional. There were thousands of people as a result of this decision Protests Nationwide. On January 27, 2021, the judgment was issued, the result of which is called the Third Prerequisite for undertaking Abortion Removed from Family Planning Act.
Discussion of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. Polish authorities have not confirmed their participation
A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday due to controversy over the ruling in the European Parliament. It is to be conducted in committees on civil rights, justice and housing, and women’s rights and equality.
As he reports RMF FM, Polish officials have not yet confirmed their participation in the investigation. However, it is known that her position will be given by EU Commissioner for Equality and Women’s Rights Helena Daly. The discussion will be attended by representatives of civil society in Poland, including the President Women strike Marta Lambert. Title of the meeting: “Attacks on the right to abortion and violations of the law in Poland”.
Further discussions on the rule of law are planned
According to the announcements, MEPs should press the European Commission to take action on restricting the right to abortion in Poland after this decision, as we read on the radio website published by the Incredibles Constitutional Tribunal. However, the European Commission may have trouble judging due to issues Abortion Not within the capacity of the EU.
Further discussions on the rule of law in Poland are scheduled for March. The topics of the zones are to be discussed LGBT And media freedom in the context of the advertising line.