Following the announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson last week, the UK will begin this Thursday, January 27th, to lift restrictions on the fight against Govt-19.
Therefore, as of today, the use of the mask on public transport and in shops, teleworking and vaccination certification is no longer mandatory.
Speaking to lawmakers in the House of Commons, Boris Johnson promised that the so-called Plan B restrictions would be lifted on January 27, when the Ómicron invaded the UK, a preliminary review of the measures introduced in December.
Boris Johnson announced the immediate cessation of the need for students to wear masks at school, which began on January 20, the day after the announcement. “We have stopped the need for masks in classrooms and the Department of Education will soon remove national guidelines on their use in public areas,” he said.
“We generally recommend the use of masks in the country, in closed or congested areas, especially when dealing with people they do not normally know – but we trust the British and stop punishing those who do not want to. Use them,” he stressed.
“The time will soon come when we can eliminate the legal requirement for self-isolation,” the official added – adding that the change will be finalized by March 24, with Boris Johnson trying to push that date forward.