As of this Monday, the United Kingdom No need for a period anymore Isolation For travelers with full vaccines coming from European union And United States.
The new rules will come from countries classified as “orange” by London in most places, including Europe and North America, except France. Isolation is not imposed for countries classified as green, regardless of vaccine status, and for countries on the red list (India, South America, UAE), isolation is mandatory for all.
The UK, one of the most affected European countries with more than 129,000 deaths, is experiencing a new wave of epidemics due to the delta variation, with cases dropping significantly in the past week.
France condemns discriminatory rules
France withdrew from easing entry rules in the UK. Boris Johnson’s government justified this decision by having a beta variant, but French officials note that most cases are concentrated on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.
To Clement PeonSecretary of State for European Affairs, British regulations “excessive and incomprehensible”. “This is not a science-inspired move, it discriminates against the French,” Peon said.
The Secretary of State revealed that “for the time being”, France does not plan to use similar measures for the United Kingdom.