On Monday (19), the state government of São Paulo again requested the Ministry of Health to suspend the request for drugs used in intubating critically ill patients affected by the Coronavirus.
According to the Minister of State for Health, Jean-Carlo Gornstein, “if the state of São Paulo had not received administrative requests from the Ministry of Health, we would have had enough both the state and the municipality for a long time.” According to the minister, the purchase of medicines continues, but “in very small quantities and with delayed delivery.”
“We call on the Ministry of Health to cancel the administrative order so that the state of São Paulo, like everyone else, can obtain products more quickly and in the necessary quantity without relying on international trade,” he added.
For São Paulo Governor Joao Doria (PSDB), the federal government needs to overturn the action taken by the Ministry of Health. He periodically said. The measure went into effect in March during the COVID-19 peak in March in order to avoid drug shortages.
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