He also said more than $ 2 billion had been spent on unusable safety equipment, according to a report by lawmakers on Sunday that the British government would face decades of financial risk from spending $ 372 billion on the epidemic.
In two statements on the response of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to the Govt-19 epidemic, he said the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) should learn lessons before the 2022 public hearing.
“The government should now clarify how this will go forward and how long it will take, given the large amount of money spent so far on Govt operations,” said PAC chairman McHillier.
PAC has highlighted a $ 26 billion loss through fraud and default on corporate debt, helping to fight the epidemic.
The second report stated that there was “unacceptably high” waste and that 2.1 billion items of inappropriate personal protective equipment (BPE) had been purchased, equivalent to more than 2 2 billion in public money.
The government said only 0.84% of all PPEs were unusable and planned to reuse those that could not be used in health services.