Since her return to TVI, Cristina Ferreira has never managed to prove herself among the masses. Raquel Costa, journalist and author of the “A Gaja” page, explained what the presenter should do in the future.
“Christina Ferreira will go down in history not only for television, but also for the country. For two consecutive years, a woman single-handedly managed to dominate the media’s attention, so much so that her name is synonymous with television.‘, he reads at the beginning of an opinion piece published by Raquel Costa new weekly.
However, the presenter, in her opinion, is approaching what is usually called the “Desert Crossing”. “Desert crossings are not necessarily bad when chosen, nor are they the result of circumstances. When they are involuntary, they can indelibly destroy their career.‘, she continued.
Raquel Costa says Christina Ferreira’s bankruptcy was expectedIn this narrow country“NS”very little used” lets see “Women in positions of power“.
“The people who loved her (and still love her) no longer want to see her with the same passion they had for over a decade on TVI and nearly two years on SIC. And the results loom: the three programs he conducted at the Queluz de Baixo station weren’t winning formats. quite the opposite‘, he confirmed.
Thus, Christina Ferreira has only two hypotheses: “Or return to rent in a new format or retire for a season“Gaga explained.”Either she insists, and imposes herself on an audience that is tired of seeing her, or she has the wisdom to stop and think and perform the functions of a director.“.
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