Published on 08/27/2021 2:09 PM / Updated on 08/27/2021 2:43 PM
Manoel Pafiadache sees the new position as an assignment given by Ibaneis – (Credit: RENATO ALVES/Agência Brasília)
Governor Ibanés Rocha (MDB) said the dismissal of Usni Okumoto from the Health Ministry was not made due to investigations into wrongdoing at the Institute for Strategic Management (Iges-DF). For the Governor, it was a new moment that required strong leadership in the bag and General Manuel Paviadash had these qualities.
Another point that reinforced this decision is the good relationship between the general and the ministry.
Baviadas sees the new position as if he had received an assignment from the head of the directorate. “The governor has really come a long way in terms of the resources we need and the myriad decisions we need. This weekend I’ll be doing an assessment, to see what’s been working and what we can improve,” he explained.
For the new secretary, the key is to advance the process so that benefits reach residents quickly. He concluded by saying, “Of course, I am a soldier. I work in a group and it is directed by the ruler. We will determine the most important points of work.”