On Friday, November 24, Health Minister Manuel Pizarro met with City Council President Helena Teodosio at City Hall. The main topic of the meeting, requested by the Governor, was the delegation of the powers of the sector to the Municipality of Kantanhede, which has not yet been achieved due to the fact that the municipality’s demands regarding the sanitary area in this municipality have not yet been met.
Helena Teodosio informed the Minister that the refusal of the Municipality of Cantanhede to accept the powers of the central administration is linked to the lack of positive responses to some proposals presented by the Chamber regarding health services in this municipality and in particular regarding the status and operation of the Archbishop João Crisostomo Hospital.
In this regard, the Mayor reiterated the importance of reactivating the basic state of emergency with extended opening hours, a fact that would allow to relieve congestion on the emergency service at the Coimbra Hospital and University Center (CHUC).
In this regard, Manuel Pizarro was receptive to re-analyzing the file, in order to find a solution that satisfies all parties.
In this meeting, in which Vice President Pedro Cardoso, Councilor Celia Simões, and the head of the Center’s Regional Health Department, Rosa Reyes Márquez, also participated, the mayor also expressed his disappointment with the model that led to the integration of the community. Hospital and Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Central Region – Rofisco Paes at CHUC.
Helena Teodosio stressed that the impasse that arose in the formalization of the transfer of powers is not the result of any “whim” on the part of the executive authority she leads, assuring Manuel Pizarro that the city council has the “will and determination” not only to assume new powers, but also to submit projects to the funds. the society.