by Amazonas Agency
The focus of research is on patients with breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer, which is the most common in the country
Relatives and patients with breast, prostate and colorectal cancer, with the help of the Fundação Centro de Controle de Oncologia do Estado do Amazonas (FCecon), an agency linked to the State Ministry of Health (SES-AM), will obtain the genome and register for the clinical and epidemiological profile drawn by the Mapa Genome Brasil project. The aim of the study was to evaluate the patients’ family history, which is an important risk factor for developing these tumors. The survey began in January.
The research is being conducted in partnership with Beneficência Hospital Portuguesa in São Paulo, FCecon and the Ministry of Health (MS), through the Institutional Development Support Program (Proadi-SUS). With nationwide coverage, capital institutions from the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, and South regions also participate. The proposal is for the survey to last for one year, and it could be extended for another three years.
Choose FCecon
According to Delciany Mylla Parente, a nurse at Beneficência Hospital Portuguesa in São Paulo, FCecon was chosen because of its location in the capital and the infrastructure for selecting, collecting, storing and sending biological samples to the coordination center.
“With the support of the FCecon multidisciplinary team, it will be possible to search for and track patients. We also have the support of the medical medical staff to help us collect the genetic sample,” Aguiar noted.
For FCecon, Service Director of Mammology, breast specialist Helka Espiritu Santo, urologist Giuseppe Figliolo and researcher from the Council for Education and Research (DEP/FCecon), Valkyria Alves Martinez, are participating as research coordinators.
breast cancer
According to Hilca Espírito Santo, the choice of this tumor is due to its impact on the incidence and mortality in the Brazilian population. She said that according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), in 2023, an estimated 500 new cases of breast cancer will be reported in Amazonas, the second most common tumor among women in the state.
“Mapping patients and relatives for the three types of cancer will enable the implementation of strategies to reduce tumor risk and early diagnosis, both for the general population and for groups at risk of developing cancer,” explained Helka Holly. spirit.
Clear data
The project will collect information, through interviews and collecting biological material from patients and their families, to compile a database containing genetic, clinical and epidemiological information, said Dr. Valkyria Alves, Ph.D., Basic and Applied Immunology.
The goal is to identify genetic mutations that contribute to heredity and disease exacerbation. Thus, we will know the profile of the population, which will allow us to customize the flow of care for patients at risk of developing cancer, ”explained Alves.
For FCecon’s Director of Teaching and Research, Katia Luz-Torres, “Research like this provides assistance and strengthens local research groups, and contributes to the introduction of research as a strategic basis for the development of oncology in the region.”