with growth Internet scams Where cybercriminals display malicious ads in search results, Using an ad blocker in your browser can prevent you from being the next victim🇧🇷 The recommendation was made by the FBI, on Wednesday (21).
According to the institution, the number Scams where cyber criminals use fake online ads in search results🇧🇷 By using an address similar to the real one, these malicious sites push to appear at the top of searches, and attract consumer attention.
By clicking on it, the user will be taken to a fraudulent page similar to the legitimate one, where he will suffer Phishing attacks or ransomware, among other digital pests. They can also be tricked into downloading a supposedly genuine app that contains malware that will steal passwords and financial data.
Adblocks work like browser extensions and many of them are free.Source: stock struggle
As the FBI explains, the An ad blocker prevents false ads from being displayedfacilitating search and access to real platforms. a AdblockAnother name by which the mechanism is known, it also prevents the automatic playback of videos and the appearance of ads that occupy a large part of the page, which improves the operation of the browser.
other care
In addition to recommending b use adblockswhich act as browser extensions, other files were provided by the FBI Tips to avoid falling for online scams, including validating the URL before clicking on the ad. Malicious domains often contain misspellings or misplaced characters, indicating that something is different.
Another warning is Type the page address directly into the browser bar instead of searching for it🇧🇷 US authorities also suggested that brands use domain protection services, with notice about registering similar URLs, and that they educate consumers about How to identify Fake websites🇧🇷